David and Emile go Pro for Polar!
We take a look over the careers of Polar's latest Pro skateboarders!
David and Emile go Pro for Polar!
We take a look over the careers of Polar's latest Pro skateboarders!

Limosine Skateboards "50 Flower"
Limosine just dropped a sick 4 minute clip tearing up the streets of New York
Limosine Skateboards "50 Flower"
Limosine just dropped a sick 4 minute clip tearing up the streets of New York

JACOPO - Spezzatura Edit
Jacopo has dropped a wicked new section, filmed by homies Spezzatura, his all terrain skate rampage continues across Italy. That noseblunt nollie flip was a thing of beauty, Che Bello!
JACOPO - Spezzatura Edit
Jacopo has dropped a wicked new section, filmed by homies Spezzatura, his all terrain skate rampage continues across Italy. That noseblunt nollie flip was a thing of beauty, Che Bello!